News - January 13th, 2013

 IT'S A new year SO let's invent, create and have fun!

 Come and take a class in Illinois in February or LINCOLN NEBRAKSA- see my schedule above (click)


I am very happy a New Year is here. As many of you heard, my husband was diagnoses with cancer last year and he was operated on and is doing well now. Phew.

I have piles of fabric sitting here and have decided to put in bits of black in alot of my new things and surprise surprise some white too! Noramally I never use white and this year I am changing it up. As I say in my workshops, using white is tricky as is bright yellow because you have to work it around so your eye doesn't just go to one spot in the quilt. I know you too have seen quilts with bright colors where you can hardly rest your eye anywhere because there is too much going on. Often times if you use too much white, this happens. Yellow and white always want to be the STARS of your colors because they are both bright and intense. This is why it is fun to play and learn how you can get away with using both and having great results!

I will be teaching alot more principles on color and why and what you should buy in the way of fabrics. I am designing some fabrics that I know you will love and we will see if they get printed. I love working with the designs and colors in fabrics and am really pushing the envelope to make pretty, awesome quilts that tell something about someone or a place or something sentimental or funny. Words have also been important in my work and I will be discussing this more in workshops. I am hoping to get around alot in the next couple of years because my husband would like me to retire and I want to teach as many girls as I can with my techinques and principles. They are SO much fun and they are easy once you get the hang of it and I have people who have taken classes from me every year for the last 12 or so years. They have become personal friends and it is always fun to see people from my past show up and do something wonderful.

     I am working (slowly) on a drawing book for you who want some of my images for your story is really quite fun. Stay tuned. I also have a couple of other things up my sleeve for ideas in my workshops. I love showing girls what they can do to add zing and embellishments are so much fun. I am also working on more wool pieces since so many people have asked to take my Folk Art Fish class. So, I hope to see you in a workshop or at a lecture.

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